
Showing posts from September, 2020

Equipotential Bonding

Equipotential Bonding ( EPB ) for connecting all Metal/conductive parts together   Equipotential Bonding       “Equipotential Bonding” itself explain its meaning, Equivalent (Equal) – Potential (Voltage)”.   In Electrical system Earthing and EPB (Equipotential Bonding) plays very important role for safety and reliability of system. We all know significance of Earthing but in our regular practice, Equipotential Bonding have been overlooked. This article will describe Equipotential Bonding and its significance.   EPB is nothing but connecting all Metal/conductive parts together with low resistive path to earth. In earthing system, all electrical equipments or any other current carrying parts are connected to earthing network while in EPB, even Non-Electrical Metallic equipment like building column, reinforcement, Roof, Pipes, Enclosures, Gates, etc. are being connected to earthing system with low resistive path. EPB is part of earthing system, lightni...

Industrial floors for Piles supported slab

  Industrial floors for Piles supported slab, Ground supported slabs Industrial floors     Floors are one of the important component of any industrial project be it a warehouse or a process industry. Amongst various construction activities, an important role is reserved to Industrial floors. Floor should serve the desired purpose like resistance, flatness, levels, etc. and hence it has to be designed as performance based component and not just simply as a structural component.   Internationally various codes are available that guides the design of floor. American Concrete Institute has published ACI 302, the concrete society - UK has published TR-34 and many more institutes have defined their own standards for grade slab. In India TR-34 is the most commonly referred and used. Aspects need to define for delivering the required floor: Design of grade slab considering the type of load floor is expected to – i.e. uniformly distributed load, Dy...


    EFFICIENT COST MANAGEMENT FOR INDUSTRIAL PROJECT     Every project has minimum two basic requirement. The project should finish in time limit within approved Budget with best output. Success of project mainly depends on these parameters and they are interconnected and dependent on each other. If the tender process is not well defined and as per project’s requirement or Contactor chosen is not appropriate, ultimately the project and client will suffer in terms of timeline and cost, which leads the project to failure.   With 50+ years of experience in Institutional, Commercial, Cricket Stadium, large scale Industrial projects and specialized structures we have developed a well-defined strategy and stages from starting of project to completion which can help client to find out best financial engineering solution and best output with minimum required time. As VMS understands that Cost and Time management is essence for every project. Procurement and Co...

accurate measurement and reliable protection scheme

  Selection of Current transformer for accurate measurement and reliable protection scheme   Selection of Current transformer   In Power system it is necessary to measure current but it is not feasible to measure current directly with measuring devise as higher current can damage the measuring devise or relay. So Current transformer is required that reduce current in measuring circuit (secondary) proportional to flowing current. Current transformer isused for metering and protection purpose. Selection of CTs In industrial Applications should be done properly for accurate measurement and reliable protection scheme so selection of CT plays significant role for metering and designing protection system. Various factors need to consider while selecting current transformer.   CT ratio is defined as ratio of primary and secondary current of CT. In order to defineprimary current of CT, consider subsequent rating of current to be measured or it should be se...