Lightning Protection System – Need of a Building - Architectural, Engineering & Design services Consultancy Firm - India Lightning is one of the common weather phenomena. At any instance, lightning strikes the earth around 100 times per second. This only accounts Cloud to Ground lightning strokes which is one of the common form of lightning. As per the data by Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), there were almost 41000 Cloud to ground lightning strikes recorded all over India on April 16, 2019. Over the past decade, lightning strike accounted for approximately 2000 deaths every year throughout India. Significantly, this numbers are increasing day by day due to changes in atmospheric cycle of an Earth resulted by industrialization, Global warming etc. For an industry, Lightning strike may cause damage to 3M – Man (Human), Material and Machines. Neglecting effects of lightning may create electrocution to people, damage to Building structure and stoppag...